Hi, I’m Idy Akrasi the founder of 'EveryGirl Finance'. I am an Entrepreneur, financial coach, and Certified financial literacy instructor with an international MBA.
I am passionate about mentoring and empowering females to take control of their financial future, become the best version of themselves, and discover their immense potential. Championing females to become entrepreneurs and business leaders by providing them with training, confidence-building skills, and support is one of my lifelong mission. I believe that our world needs more successful women in the business and finance world who will serve as role models for future generations.
Every Girl needs to know she can be a leader and secure a seat at the table. Together we can!
Our mission is to empower the next generation of females to become decision-makers, innovators, and business leaders. Our entrepreneurship and leadership program will help girls boost their confidence and gain leadership skills and become future role models in the business world.
Together we can shatter every glass ceiling!